Discover the Intelligent NORD Home


up to  43%* 

heating costs

up to  27%*

overall energy costs

Thanks to intelligent consumption management and energy distribution, EcoControl can cover up to 27% of a household’s total energy demand from its own photovoltaics, even during winter months. Up to 43% of the energy needed for heat pump operation comes directly from solar production, minimizing grid consumption and significantly reducing heating costs.

Start saving today and enjoy a more ecological and comfortable home with the NORD system!

*Data analysis conducted under the following conditions: family house, 140 m², underfloor heating,

heat pump: 9 kW, photovoltaic system: 15 kWp, battery storage: 11.6 kWh, EcoBoiler Hybrid: 160 L, thermal storage tank: 100 L.

EcoControl – Intelligent Home Management

EcoControl is the brain of the NORD system, intelligently managing heating, ventilation, and energy distribution. Thanks to the EcoMode, OptiMode, and Tariff Control* algorithms, it maximizes the system’s efficiency.

EcoMode – Maximum Use of Solar Energy

Smart management of photovoltaic surpluses, minimizing electricity consumption from the grid. Surplus energy is stored in DHW, underfloor heating, batteries, and storage tanks for later use.

EcoCloud – Control Your System from Anywhere

Enables remote system management, access to statistics, and graphs. All data is securely stored on Amazon Cloud. The software is developed in the EU, ensuring security, data protection, and reliability.

OptiMode – Smart Heating with Savings

Optimizes heat pump operation, reduces energy consumption, and limits defrost cycles. It takes advantage of lower tariffs and weather conditions for maximum efficiency.

Tariff Control* 

Smart Consumption Management
Based on Electricity Prices

Optimizes energy consumption based on current tariffs and weather forecasts. Charges batteries during cheap hours, reduces heating costs, and minimizes grid consumption. Save up to 36% on energy costs with this feature.**

*Available soon.

**Analysis of fixed and dynamic tariffs was conducted under the following conditions: family house, 4-member family, 140 m², annual energy consumption: 55 kWh/m², heat pump: 8 kW.

Systém NORD HT je komplexním řešením pro moderní a energeticky úsporné domácnosti.

Byl navržen tak, aby maximálně využíval obnovitelné zdroje energie a integroval klíčové technologie pro vytápění, ohřev vody, fotovoltaiku, rekuperaci i ventilaci. Pomáhá vytvářet inteligentní, udržitelný a pohodlný domov s minimálními provozními náklady a maximálním komfortem. Ideální volba pro ty, kdo hledají chytrá řešení pro budoucnost.

Are you interested in NORD technologies?

For a non-binding inquiry, feel free to contact us directly.