Do I need all system components to benefit from NORD features?

No, a lot of NORD products can be used individually or can be combined with existing systems. For example the NORD EcoBoiler or Power Genius 3000 can be operated independently to maximize your savings of your already existing installation.

What does the EcoMode mean?

NORD EcoMode is a specially developed operation mode, designed to merge PV production with heat pump consumption. From now on you can make use of every sunbeam hitting your roof.

How can I use NORD EcoMode?

To to get the most out of the specially designed NORD EcoMode it will be necessary to install NORD EcoControl with NORD EcoHeat pump and a PV system with NORD EcoMaster.

Where can I buy NORD products?

NORD is working with selected distribution partners for numerous countries by now. Check our website or contact us to find your closest dealer.

I have already installed a PV system. Can I use NORD products, like EcoControl or EcoHeat pump with my PV system?

NORD products are compatible with most of devices from Solax, which is a premium PV products manufacturer. To find out, if it works with your system request a compatibility list from your local dealer.

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